Thursday, November 6, 2008

Trinity Website

Greetings All,

I have decided to start a blog to record our progress in creating a website (WS) for Trinity. I like doing blogs anyway and nowadays you have to keep up with the latest in technology. So here goes. I suggest doing it chronologically.

Oct 30. Nigel met with Linda to ask her to contact Jake Amen and ask if he would build a WS for us and how much it might cost. Jake builds the WS for Ashton City and Ashton Chamber of Commerce. We talked some about what the site would include but agreed we should look at some other churches and what they do.

Nov 3. Linda said Jake would like to work on a WS for us but that it would be 2 or3 weeks before he could get started. the cost would be $5oo approx for 5 or 6 pages. We would have to decide what we want in the WS. In other words it would be up to us to do a preliminary design.

Nov 3-6 I have looked at some other sites. see below

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